Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Latest news following the clash in Mongolia

Although under the law of state of emergency it does not state the need to close down other parties’s communication, power, water supply, and traffic to the party building. The state media is still broadcasting one sided, unbalanced review of the events, and trying to make believe the events into something like riot by youngsters whose sole reason was to destroy and steal.
Right now the Democratic party’s power, water, communication lines have been cut, and road traffic has been closed down.
The Democratic party has sent official letter to the mayor of the city of ulaanbaatar Mr Bilegt, and is waiting for their reply.

State of emergency

This is the first state of emergency in the history of Mongolia. Right now the centre of Ulaanbaatar has been sealed off by 13 heavy armoured-vehicles, and almost half a thousand officers and policemen. No traffic is allowed in and out of the zone except all the government force that are in use right now such as the state police, the army, the firedepartment, the ambulance etc.
To many residents including me, the scene looks more like a ‘State of War’ than ‘State of Emergency’ Many of us feel as if we are living in the book 1984 by Goerge Orwell.
Outburst of public anger
The event was truly the outburst of anger of the public towards the communist party MPRP. Their activities, corruption, stealing and robbing of our tax money etc led to the events that took place on 1st of july.
The younger generation of the MPRP belongs to an organisation called Union of Mongolia’s Socialist Democratic Youth. By their very hands all the thefts of the Savings Bank (State owned bank) and non-banking organisations’ (who were formed in Mongolia with unrealistic high interest on savings, and quickly amassed the public money, who were tricked by the hight interest rate on their savings) have been carried out. The MPRP backs the youth organisation and made them believe that their crime will not be revealed as long as they have the MPRP’s backing.
The party used the money amassed by their youth to buy the election of 2008. This is due to the recently discovered mineral deposits in Mongolia. This new parliament will decide what to do with their huge natural resources. MPRP is eager to win enough seats in the parliament to be the majority and pass laws that will enable them to get more than fair share of the resources without sharing with the public of Mongolia without any difficulty from the opposition.
The opposition’s policy is to share natural resource with the public and develop businesses among public, hence starting major industrialisation in Mongolia to create jobs and fight poverty.
The election fraud

The public is disclosing evidence of election fraud by the MPRP.
For example, thousands of people are telling each other that they received money given out by the MPRP. It was about 10 to 20 dollars for each voters, and allegedly the party given out 10 million dollars in total. The money was given to the public in 10 to 20 dollars and to the election committee and its branches in 1000 to 2000 dollars. The public assume the large sums of money came from the money that they stole from the Savings Bank, and the non-banking organisations mentioned earlier. The party stole public money to buy their votes.
The President as well as the Prime minister and the majority of both the parliament and the cabinet are the members of MPRP. Although UN’s general secretary Pan Gi Mun advised party leaders to resolve the situation in peaceful ways, it is hard to see how the minority opposition force within the parliament and the cabinet can voice the publics wish and fight for their freedom. The opposition party’s building has been cut off from all the utilities especially any available communication lines. There is no level playground for party leaders to negotiate a fair resolution, or a resolution that is in favour of the public of Mongolia. A resolution that gives them their freedom that was once given to the people by the democratic party in 1990. These measurements by the MPRP and the President is seen as a major step back in Mongolia’s flourishing democracy since 1990. The people are concerned whether they are being fed the balanced and true information by the state media, which is the only media source that has the right to operate. People fear the state media is already in command of the MPRP and their supporters. It is being used to brainwash the people all around the countryside. The people in city of ulaanbaatar have access to the internet and still have some freedom of access to other media, such as people’s blogs and internet news agencies.

Remember Tian Min square

5 people are killed, the state media broadcasts. But we’re not sure, since the only media that is operational is the state media. The 300 are injured, and the information regarding their whereabouts are unknown, such as which hospital and how severe the injuries are. 700 are detained and ofcourse still unknown where they were detained and their condition right now. Those people are the general public and the youth who were nearby the protest. There are my friends and my fellow Mongolians who fought for the whole publics interest. But unfortunately now they could be being persecuted by the police and the ruling party. The state media stopped broadcasting information relating to the incident and instead broadcasting aerobic lessons, cartoons, soap operas, documentaries etc. While thousands of people’s lives are in jeopardy and Mongolia’s future hangs on a blade, we are being forced to watch cartoons and aerobic lessons. We have no ears and eyes as to the condition of our country. I fear that we might be soon living in the world depicted in the book 1984.

Please spread the news. State media has been bending the truth and brainwashing the public all over the country as there is no other working media source right now. No FM stations, No other tv networks, No free press. Thank you for your support.
By Idersaikhan Byambaa 2008/07/02 12:30 pm, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

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